
Hi there my friend.

I hope this day brings you joy and fulfillment. We are all on our own personal journey and although each one is unique we are all pretty fucking special. It is so easy to talk negatively to ourselves and doubt our own greatness. So this blog is a reminder to love yourself unconditionally and to never forget that you are amazing and here for a reason! Find your joy and live an awesome life!
~ Karen Folman

27 thoughts on “About

  1. Karen;
    While visiting and reading blog of Erika, I just stumbled upon your blog and since last so many minutes I am here and reading your one after another posts, so, instead of comments on each posts, I just write here only…………
    Congratulation for creating this wonderful blog and writing such a very inspirational and sweet yet very uplifting posts.
    I wish, I should have a good friend like you, so, you are requested to visit my blog,read my some of the posts and if you feel I am worth of your friendship, please do not hesitate to leave comment on my most recent post.
    remember, everything is optional.
    Wishing you all the best……………………

    Liked by 1 person

    • Swajithkas,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I am so grateful for Erika that she shared my blog among others on her site. I am so happy you found me and I am equally happy to also follow your blog. I enjoy your thoughts, insights, and quotes. Good friends are hard to come by and I welcome any new friendships that may blossom in life.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Karen,
    I am glad as well as sad too,
    First of let me tell you why I am glad? because, you have accepted me as your friend and subscribed to my blog, I too subscribed to your blog so now we are officially friends of each other, but, I am little sad because you have not accepted me whole heartily as your friend,otherwise, you might have taken some time to say “Hello” to me on my blog.
    Anyway, it’s never too late, so, when I expect your precious presence on my blog??????
    Eagerly awaiting to welcome my new friend with open arms,open heart and lots of cheers!!!!!!!!!
    Wishing you all the best…………………

    Liked by 1 person

    • Swajithkas, I am looking forward to greeting you on your blog. Though, I did not do so right away, does not mean that I will not. I appreciate our new friendship and will most definitely be saying hello on your blog. May today bring you much joy and fulfillment!


  3. Pingback: Award Rains and Thunder | From the Soul to the nib of the Pen

  4. Hi Karen, I’ve followed you here from Erika’s blog. She had posted a link to your original music. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your songs. Count me in as a fan!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi I’ve just heared your music on Erika’s blog and wanted to share my comment Wow wow wow wow wow. Erika I am speechless? Who is this girl she’s just knocked me off my feet. Incredible ☺☺☺
    Is there an album I need one noooooooow☺

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I am so glad you like it! I am speechless now. I don’t have an album yet, just a demo. It has taken me years even to share my music. I am only now beginning to do that. I am glad you liked the song. There are a few others on Sound Cloud if you want to hear more. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • They are fantastic if you check out my blog it is mainly music based. Ive been contemplating for a while about doing a feature promoting new music. I still haven’t decided on the format of it and would need to speak to a few more acts in order for it to go ahead but of it did come off would you be willing for me to do a feature on you. It will probably maybe a passage of writing about you and what inspires you and a few songs. Give it some thought and get back to me or I will contact you once I’ve figured it out. It’s been great to meet you and hear your amazing voice thanks. Rich☺

        Liked by 1 person

      • That would be amazing to be a featured musician or guest on your page. I would be honored, in fact! Keep in touch and I will look forward to more conversations with you. Thanks again, Rich, for your complements and enjoyment of my music. Great to “meet” you too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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